Researched Evidence of Elderberry Syrup Benefits by Catherine Steele, PhD

Elderberry is mainstream now. It is thrown into so many products. So, is elderberry worth all the hype? I must admit that I was intrigued yet skeptical when I first learned about elderberry syrup. People online were making some wild claims about what it could do.

Given my PhD in Health Psychology and postdoctoral training in Nutrition, I immediately turned to the science to see if there was compelling evidence behind the claims. Long story short, there is compelling evidence to support integrating elderberry into your diet. Elderberry syrup has become a staple in our house because 1) it is high in micronutrients and vitamins that promote overall health, 2) it is clinically shown to reduce the duration of a cold, and 3) it is delicious!

 Elderberry syrup is high in micronutrients and vitamins

Katy Elderberry is our favorite place to buy elderberry syrup. In this particular elderberry syrup, there are elderberries, honey, ceylon cinnamon, ginger root, and clove. Each of these ingredients contains important micronutrients and vitamins to support your health and wellness. 

Elderberries are high in polyphenols, specifically anthocyanins. The Anthocyanins found in elderberries have been found to be anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti diabetic, while also improving blood pressure and providing neuroprotective (a biological intervention or process resulting in prevention (or protection from further damage), recovery, and or regeneration of the central nervous system) effects in animal studies (PMID: 37049909).

Ceylon cinnamon has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as lower blood glucose, blood pressure and serum cholesterol in animal studies (PMID: 24148965).

Ginger has phenolic compounds that haven been shown to be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, neuroprotective, cardiovascular protective, respiratory protective, antiobesity, and antidiabetic in animal studies (PMID: 31151279).

Not many studies have been done in humans to show these health promoting properties, but the animal studies show that the ingredients you'll find in Katy Elderberry's syrup have important properties that could support our health and wellness.

Elderberry has been shown to reduce the duration and severity of a cold

Our primary use of elderberry syrup is as soon as we have symptoms of a cold or if we have been around people who are sick. Elderberry has been shown to reduce the duration of a cold in humans. There aren’t many research studies in humans, but the studies that do exist are encouraging. 

One study compared elderberry extract to a placebo in people traveling by plane (PMID: 27023596). A placebo is substance that has no therapeutic effect that is used as a control in studies. In this study, the people did not know if they were taking elderberry extract or the placebo. This study design is the strongest for being able to understand how something affects the outcomes because the researchers and the people in the study do not know the treatment they are getting. The study found that people who had the elderberry extract had shorter colds and fewer symptoms than the people who did not have elderberry extract. Imagine having symptoms for only 5 days instead of 7 days with the symptoms being less severe. In the study, they took the elderberry for 10 days before travel so it could be important to start supplementing before travel or exposure to groups of people that might be sick. 

Elderberry syrup is a simple way to protect you and your family when a cold hits. 

Elderberry syrup is delicious

Now this reason is not backed by any studies, but elderberry syrup is delicious! My kids beg me to have it everyday. Given the high nutrients and encouraging clinical studies, I am happy to let my kids have it and I enjoy taking it myself. 


Catherine Steele studied Health Psychology and Nutrition and recieved her PhD at Kansas State University.  She loves to spend time sourdough baking and homesteading when she's not spending time with and taking care of her 4 precious littles. 


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